Title: The Cove
Author: Catherine Coulter
Series: FBI Thriller (book #1)
Next in series: The Maze
My rating: 2 Stars
Synopsis: Sally Brainerd is on the run from an FBI agent, who believes she has information about her father’s murder, and from a sadistic doctor who wants to keep her quiet. She seeks sanctuary in a picturesque town called the Cove but strange things are happening there and the townsfolk are not what they seem. What is really going on in Sally’s life?
Review: This is one of the worst plots I have ever read. It is ridiculously implausible and becomes seriously confusing with numerous disorienting transitions in location. The dialogue is stilted and the characters are like card board cutouts with no real development. The female lead is idiotic. Really, how many times can the same woman be abducted? She seems to be on a really slow learning curve. Even her name is puzzling – is she Sally or Susan?
I will not be continuing with the series.