Wednesday 11 September 2013

Hunks of the Week: September 5-11, 2013

The My Book Boyfriend group over at Shelfari has a monthly thread dedicated to the hotties that caught members' eyes over the course of their reading. The thread encompasses all genres from romantic suspense and contemporary romance to urban fantasy and paranormal romance with a few historical heroes thrown in. 

Midnight Lies (Wildefire, #2) 
It was a busy week in the group with many hunks to choose from:
The Hunks of the Week:

Nick Cappuano in Fatal Deception by Marie Force - "How could I not nominate this guy! He's becoming quite the presence....might be giving Jamie Fraser a run for his money". This comment evoked quite some dicussion :0)

Hunter in Obsession by Jennifer Armentrout - "He's not just a bad boy, sometimes he's the bad guy. Dark, sexy, and dangerous just add to his appeal."

Alexander Belov in The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simmons - "Definitely up there w/Jamie!"

Ethan Sullivan from Hard Bitten by Chloe Neill -  "He is definitely turning around in this book."

Avery Hill in Fatal Mistake by Marie Force - "He's said to have a smile that will melt the panties right off women"

Edward Preston, 3rd Marquis of Dutton  in Much Ado About Dutton by Claudia Dain - "After 5 books of being the jerk . . .  he hasn't lost any bad boy appeal but he has greatly matured . . . for him anyway."

Quinn Braddock in Midnight Lies By Ella Grace - "He goes in the anti-harem for a little bit but then comes out of it with a vengeance"

Griffin York in Any Duchess Will Do by Tessa Dare - possibly a favorite hero in the series. 

Zach Tanner from Midnight Secrets by Ella Grace. "I love a bad boy with a soft heart." - 2nd week running!

Curran in Magic Rises by Ilona Andrews. "Yes, he has his bad kitty moments but he more than makes up for them."

 The Anti-Hottie Harem: 

Hugh D'Ambray in Magic Rises by Ilona Andrews - "I don't care how good he looks in a T-Shirt, he's a scumbag!"

Whose your hunk (or anti-hunk) for this week?