Friday, 20 September 2013

Feature & Follow #7: Picture Books

Feature & Follow

Feature & Follow Friday is a blog hop aimed at providing exposure for new bloggers and at expanding blog followers. The hop is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read and is a wonderful opportunity for making new friends and sharing your love for books and reading.
This week's featured blogs are: SS Book Fanatics and Fantasy is More Fun.
Q: What were some of your favorite picture books as a kid?
My two absolute favorite picture books as a child were Where The Wild Things Are and The Very Hungry Caterpillar. My original copies were quickly worn out and my mother had to by me another set.

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What are some of your favorites?


  1. This is only the second time I've seen the Hungry Caterpillar, but what a great pick!

    Thanks for stopping by!
    Old Follower :-)
    Berls @ Fantasy is More Fun

  2. Loved both of those! Such classics! New follower via Bloglovin'. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Happy Friday!

  3. I thought I had already posted on your FF.. but I guess not. lol

    Both are books I want to get for my daughter. :) Thanks for stopping by my FF.

    Kris @ Books, Movies and Me-Kris

  4. Good choices, my son is familiar with The Very Hungry Caterpillar but I don't think I have ever read him Where The Wild Things Are so I'm going to have to add that one to my list of books to check out!

    New follower, thanks for the follow on my blog!

  5. Your choices were so popular, they came up almost 16 times so far!

    new follower via bloglovin/old one via gfc

    Guinevere & Libertad @ TwinjabookReviews

  6. I chose the Hungry Caterpillar too! I loved that book =)

    Old Bloglovin follower =)


  7. Both of these sound really cute :)

    New follower. Thanks for stopping by:)
    Julie @ Chapter Break

  8. Those were great books! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I followed back via Bloglovin :)
    Brittany @ Spare Time book blog

  9. I've seen Where the Wild Things are pop up quite a bit.

    New bloglovin follower

    My FF
